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Starter Kit ELEAF Iore Lite 2 blue

Starter Kit ELEAF Iore Lite 2 blue

Starter Kit Eleaf IORE Lite 2 is an improved version of the well-known Eleaf Iore Lite sub-ohm system with increased battery capacity and updated cartridges. The design has also changed a little bit - the body still has inscriptions with the company name and model, but it has become a little shorter and wider, with dimensions of 103 x 25 x 14 mm. The weight has increased compared to its predecessor and amounts to 30 g.

The updated cartridge holds 2 ml of liquid and is fixed with strong magnets. It is made of tinted plastic with sufficient transparency to observe the liquid flow rate.


    You can buy the ELEAF Iore Lite 2 at retail stores Store Map

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