Stardikomplekt ASPIRE Vilter Black
Aspire Vilter POD süsteem on võti üleminekuks sigarettidelt auru maailma. Komplektis on kaks huulikut, klassikaline ja sigareti imitatsiooniga huulik. Sellel on korralik aku (450 mAh) ja see töötab vahetatavate kassetidega, millel on võrkauruti.
You will not be able to buy this product online.
According to Section 8 paragraph 2 of the Latvian Law on the Circulation of Tobacco Products, Herbal Smoking Products, Electronic Smoking Devices and Their Liquids, it is prohibited to sell e-cigarettes in an online shop.
You will not be able to buy this product online (amendments to the Anti-Smoking Act of 8 September 2016) - see the (Shop network) tab to find your nearest fixed sales outlet and find out about the availability of the product.