E-vedelik SALT BREW CO Aloe vera 20 MG/ML
SALT BREW CO Aloe vera 10ml
- Puhas USP-klassi
- sool-nikotiinitilgad pudelis
- Maht: 10 ml;
- Nikotiin: 20 mg/ml;
- 50% PG
- 50% VG
- Valmistatud ELis.
Tõeline kunstiteos - alates pakendist kuni maitsva vedeliku täidise ja sildi kujundamiseni
Öelge, mida soovite, kuid need kaasaegsed Salt Nicotine line etiketid on julged, tugevad ja kindlasti märgatavad! Need e-vedelikud on nikotiinisoola kasutavate pod-põhiste vape-süsteemide ilming, mistõttu lõime iga pudeli nende unikaalset värvi ja maitset silmas pidades.
You will not be able to buy this product online.
According to Section 8 paragraph 2 of the Latvian Law on the Circulation of Tobacco Products, Herbal Smoking Products, Electronic Smoking Devices and Their Liquids, it is prohibited to sell e-cigarettes in an online shop.
You will not be able to buy this product online (amendments to the Anti-Smoking Act of 8 September 2016) - see the (Shop network) tab to find your nearest fixed sales outlet and find out about the availability of the product.